Installation of a metal roof: from A to Z

Vaillancourt Seamless Roofs and Gutters relies on a team of experienced professionals for the installation of its products, such as the metal roof. From the Soprema Lastobond membrane Soprema Lastobond, to purlins and gutters, mouldings, soffits and fascias, the company oversees everything. The panels and gutters are manufactured on-site. The on-site factory makes it possible to ensure the good condition and quality of the products, while minimizing handling and packaging needs.


Choosing to purchase and install Vaillancourt Seamless Roofs and Gutters is a wise decision. You will benefit from a joint limited warranty, which simplifies the number of consultants to one, while giving you peace of mind.

Technical support


Vaillancourt Seamless Roofs and Gutters also offers technical support services for contractors who want to purchase our materials. Our experts oversee the beginning of the project, teach the installation basics, and give their recommendations. We work all over Quebec and neighbouring provinces.